HUMAN WEAPONS INTRO Human weapons technology in the future described by Halo, is built around the honing of projectile-based weapons - weapons that human forces believe are more reliable, practical and powerful than Covenant energy weapons, across a wider range of eventualities, and are usefully immune to EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) bursts. Human weapons rely on excellent hand-eye coordination and lack the homing features found in some Covenant guns. Obvious flaws in this strategy include limited ammunition, and reliance on constant re-supply. In capable hands however, human weapons are more than a match for any alien technology. M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade ![]() DETONATION TIMER: 0.5 seconds HIT DAMAGE: 80-120 defense units SPLASH DAMAGE RADIUS: 22.5 feet The M9 high explosive, dual purpose grenade, or pineapple for short. Toss it, cram it or wing it, but make sure you're not around when it bears fruit. This human grenade is one of the most versatile weapons in the game. It can be hurled over obstacles, down holes and through foliage. The timer starts after the first bounce, so bear that in mind for long throws. It can be artfully bounced off a wall, or simply flung into a crowd. Use it to scatter foes in open landscapes, or inflict massive harm in closed environments. Splash damage can disable, destroy or upend smaller vehicles, including Warthogs and Ghosts. In frenetic combat, tossed grenades add an element of chaos to even the most well-planned strategy. Enjoy 'em, but be careful. INSIDER TIP: You can use grenades to distract defenders in CTF - simply throw them as far away from your position as possible, and watch as your opponents are distracted while you sneak to a better position. M6D Pistol(duel wield) ![]() MAX AMMO CAPACITY: 120 MELEE RATING: 40-60 defense units HIT DAMAGE: 25 defense units Newbies hate it, but pros swear by it and guess who wins in a fight? The standard issue human sidearm may seem underpowered on a purely visual and auditory basis, but like a real pistol, it's every bit as vital as the body part you aim it at. In this case, we recommend the head. Three headshots on a fully shielded human will drop him or her like a sack of burning crap. Why? Because - and not a lot of people know this - the pistol does lethal one-shot headkills. The reason fools don't drop more readily is that unlike the sniper rifle, pistol shots are blocked slightly by shields - but once the shield is gone - a single pop to the head should suffice. Thanks in no small part to its 12.7 mm, semi-armor piercing, high-explosive rounds; it will even come in handy as you take on vehicles by foot. INSIDER TIP: Although accurate pistol shots will bring down foes very quickly, the effect of two or more teammates using pistols on the same target is devastating. If you have a buddy who'll cooperate, you can take out vehicles and pedestrians almost instantly and from great range. You could also combo with a Plasma Pistol - one overcharge shot followed immediately by one pistol shot to the head is lethal to any shielded foe. MA5B ASSAULT RIFLE ![]() MAX AMMO CAPACITY: 600 MELEE RATING: 40-60 defense units HIT DAMAGE: 10 defense units per round A gas-operated, magazine-fed, fully automatic assault rifle, fires continuously, but is much more accurate in short, sharp bursts. A compass shows a fake "North" (actually it points to the nearby Gas Giant called Threshold) to help you navigate, and a neat little display also shows you how much ammo you have left. It's very useful at short range, if all the rounds are pummeling a single target, but its efficacy diminishes rapidly with distance. INSIDER TIP: In Campaign mode, that built-in compass is actually useful, especially in the Library and the swamp level. The assault rifle is also remarkably effective against Flood infection forms. M90 SHOTGUN ![]() MAX AMMO CAPACITY: 60 MELEE RATING: 40-60 DU HIT DAMAGE: 8-25 DU per pellet Of all the weapons in Halo this one is the least hi-tech. Identical in most respects to a modern combat shotgun, the M90 fires 3.5', 8 gauge magnum rounds. Like any shotgun, the round, once fired, disperses shot pellets in an ever widening cone. This means that it works great close up, but loses power with distance as the volume of shot lessens. But up close - it's devastating. Another disadvantage is the long reload times - make sure you have enough rounds before you get into anything major. INSIDER TIP: In CTF games, this is a great weapon for in-base attack and defense, since it's almost as devastating in an opponent's face as a rocket, but without the suicide potential. S2 AM SNIPER RIFLE ![]() MAX AMMO CAPACITY: 24 MELEE RATING: 40-60 DU HIT DAMAGE: 101 DU Certainly one of the most popular weapons, the Sniper rifle is a powerful gun, but also a useful tool. Magnification steps from 2X up to 8X and it can be used as a spotting scope on bigger levels for the more strategic among you. Its 14.5mm armor piercing rounds are fin-stabilized for accuracy and speed, and a headshot from this weapon is always lethal. Two rapid hits to any other body part are equally deadly. Ammo is scarce too, so use it wisely. INSIDER TIP: Although you can take your time in Campaign mode sniping, in Multiplayer a good trick is to squeeze off two shots in rapid succession. If they hit a torso, that'll kill instantly, and lessen the chance of a defender spotting your perch. M19 SSM ROCKET LAUNCHER ![]() MAX AMMO CAPACITY: 8 MELEE RATING: 40-60 DU HIT DAMAGE: 80-300 DU It helps that Master Chief is seven feet tall and built like a brick outhouse. Not only can he handle the recoil from 102mm shaped charge explosive rockets, he can actually use an empty rocket launcher as a club. 2X magnification can be useful sometimes, but the explosion and subsequent splash damage means you don't have to be that precise. Loading the launcher with rockets is s-l-o-w so think ahead, and ammunition is always scarce. INSIDER TIP: It takes practice but the rocket "lead" times are very predictable. With a little patience you should be able to anticipate an intersect path for any vehicle and blast 'em from all the way across a map. |