Time : 00:20:45
Date : 23/02/2025
User counter : 1887
  What Is Futureama
Classification: Male Human
Age: 25 (He born in 1978, the total is: 1025)
Birthplace: New York - Earth
Occupation: Ex pizza delivery boy, now delivery boy at Planet Express
Common phrase: No common phrase ("Cool!" maybe)
Other Features: Full stupidity, Slurm addiction, He is sterile (because of the F-Ray),
Very impulsive, Always tries to win's Leela's Heart.
Fry born in 1978. He had a brother named Jancey that always beat him in everyting till he found a 7-leaves lucky clover that his nephew carried and made him a very successful man.
Fry was frozen in December 31th, 1999, in a Cryogenics Laboratory when he was making a pizza delivery. He woke up in the year 3000 in New New York City.
He ran away of the Cryogenics Lab because he didn't want to be a delivery boy again (job that Leela assigned him), and then he met Bender in a Suicide Booth.
He found his great, great, great, great...nephew, owner of the the Planet Express delivery company.
Classification: Manbot Robot
Age: 4 (Head: ~1058)
Birthplace: Tijuana - Mexico - Earth
Occupation: Ex Girder Bender, now Cook at Planet Express
Common phrase: "Bite my Shiny Metal Ass."
Other Features:
Drink, smoke, bend, steal, cheat, bet, curse and so on.
He loves to cook, that's why he is an Elzar's fan.
A Magnet on his head make him sing country songs with a country accent.
He's made of 40% of Zinc, 40% of Titanium and 40% of Dolomite?.
He was infected by the Werecar virus.
Like a turtle, he can't stand up if he falls backwards.
Bender, a robot build to bend girders, tried to kill himself in a Suicide Booth (because he find out that he used to bend girders to make Suicide Booths), but he failed because he met Fry there.
He joined the Planet Express crew as the new Cook of the Ship. He also beat Elzar in the Iron Cook contest. Bender loves all the Vices, steal, smoke, drink, gamble, curse, electricity, you name it.
Classification: Female Mutant
Age: ~24
Birthplace: New New York Sewer System - Earth
Occupation: Ex Cryogenic Counselor, now Captain and Pilot of the Planet Express Delivery Ship
Common phrase: No common phrase
Other Features:
Poor Deep Perception.
Totally uninpulsive.
She always carrying that metal thing on her arm.
Her parents are mutants like her.
Leela was abandoned by her parents in the Cookieville Minimum Security Orphanarium (now the Bender Minimum Security Orphanarium) when she was a baby.
Her parents thought that because she was the less mutated been she'll be able to pass like an alien on earth. The other orphans always made fun of her because she only had one eye (even a blind kid).
After she worked in the Applied Cryogenics Labs assigning unfrozen people their job in the future, she joined the Planet Express crew.
Classification: Male Human
Age: 170
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Mad Scientist and Owner of Planet Express Delivery Company
Common phrase: "Good News Everyone!"
Other Features:
Collect wires.
Invent Doom day devices...and other devices.
He always forgets everything.
He had an adventure with Mom.
The Professor is the owner of the Planet Express Delivery Ship. One day Leela, Bender and Fry, his great(x26) uncle, visited him.
Then he hired them in order to be the new crew members of the Planet Express Del?ry Ship (because the last crew was death). He invents lots of junk, including Doom day devices and parallel universes.
Some of his inventions and ideas have saved Earth a few times.