| ראשי | הרשמה | מידע | הורדות | הדמויות | תמונות | התחבר | כניסת מנהל |       23/02/2025 00:53:22


The world of Priston is composed of subtle relations of 2 tribes:
the one is ‘Morion’ being highly dependent on magic and soul
and the other is ‘Tempskron’ being highly dependent on power and technology.
There are basically active Exchanges & positive relations between them.
In the meanwhile, several portents & airs started occurring in almost all parts of the world.
It was so weird that they began to investigate it, and came to discover a prophecy of the ancients.
They realized that the content of the prophecy was composed of suggestions & predictions,
and almost coincided with the portents & airs now under way.
However, a real and bigger problem was a predi-cation in the last part of the prophecy that a new evil species would appear.
As both tribes suspected these facts and considered a counter-plan,
in the meanwhile, many kinds of big problems like conflicts
and collapses occurred and the world of Priston came to be falling in a state of chaos

דף הבית